Trading Competition
Start & End Date
- Start Date: 10/10/2022
- End Date: 11/10/2022
- Timeframe: 30 days
- This trading competition is available for new and existing users.
- To be considered a winner of this trading competition, users must:
- Trade any crypto currency and cumulative trading volume ≥ $5,000 USDT
- Get to top 10% of the highest traded volume
- The winners can share up to 16,000 USDT cash prize pool, NFTs and Free Voucher to attend Hummingbot’s BotCamp
- All rewards will be issued within 15 working days after the event ends.
Eligibility Criteria
All new & existing users who completed trading volume more than 5,000 USDT during the competition period.
Benefits for New & Existing Users:
The cash prize pool comes from 10% of the transaction fees generated by users during the competition.